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Woodside crescent


Woodside Crescent

So, my friends, we have our new centre! Well, at least we have the property. Again a MASSIVE thanks to all involved. Lots to think about, lots to discuss and, of course, lots to do.

I wanted to share some thoughts and ideas. Firstly, just to say that talking to people at the recent International Council meeting in India was great - there was so much excitement and well wishing for us. It’s one of the lovely things about Triratna - outpourings of mudita.

Transition Kula

The main thing I have been thinking about is how best we co-ordinate and oversee the next phase(s) of the project. I think a Transition Kula (TK) is an excellent way forward. This has been suggested by a few people and makes a lot of sense. We discussed this at our most recent Council meeting and all who were there were in agreement.

I have been thinking of it as overseeing three main areas - each of which would sub divide and would include, as well as members of the TK, others whose skills and insight would be helpful in specific ways. The three areas, as I see it, are: physical; emotional and spiritual.

Physical would be oversight of the timeline, the works, the aesthetics, design etc. This includes big questions like: Where do we put the shrine? Where do we find a rupa? There are many other questions of course - and it is obvious looking at this that there are a number of sub groupings needed. We will be thinking this through thoroughly.

Emotional would be mainly the communication of what is happening to the wider sangha and making sure that people not only know where we are going but feel as involved as they would like to be. I remember when Sauchiehall St was sold it had a big impact emotionally on a lot of people. Obviously Berkeley St doesn’t hold the history that Sauchiehall St did but I would be surprised if there are not at least some people who are already very fond of it. There have been Mitra ceremonies and farewell and welcome back evenings for quite a few people going off to be ordained in our time there. Also, of course, there are the people who have started coming along to us since we moved there. The first place you meet the Dharma always holds special significance and we will need to take that into consideration.

Spiritual includes any rituals we perform and this needs thought and spiritual intuition. There are also timelines involved in this. When do we start with rituals? When for example, do we do dedication ceremonies? What rituals of closure will take place and when? 

One start to this is that as soon as is appropriate and safe we will hold an EGM in Woodside Crescent and that will involve a dedication ceremony. We hope to do this on the afternoon of 23rd March so there’s a date for your diaries. More info will follow.

Cleaning days, which I know Gunasiddhi is planning, will also help us all feel that this is OUR centre and cleaning can, of course, be done in a ritual way. Watch the weekly newsletter for dates and opportunities.

First Cleaning day will be on Saturday March 15th

There is obviously overlap between these areas and thus a need for really good communication between people involved going forward and that is where the TK would come in. Their role would be overseeing all the areas and ensuring good communication between kulas, the council and outwards into the broader sangha.

The TK will be made up of the centre team (Gunasiddhi; Keirstan and Moksadhi) as they will be day to day involved in aspects of the transition; Carunalaka and myself.


I know that there are lots of people with ideas and suggestions. While in no way wanting to squash anyone or step on anyone’s toes, I think it would be very easy for things to run away from us and to become chaotic. An ideas book / folder has been set up and we welcome all and any ideas to be shared there. This is clearer and more manageable than folk approaching us directly as it keeps things in one place. The TK and relevant sub groups would then take those ideas into account. The book is in the Library at Berkeley Street. We will say more about this at the EGM.

Obviously the TK and sub groups will work very closely with the Council as that is where final decisions must lie. 

When I agreed last January to take on being chair, I saw it as holding something of the Archetypal. I expressed that at the EGM where my becoming chair was proposed to the Sangha and, again, when we actually held the ritual to confirm that. I hope that doesn’t sound too grandiose but I do believe that is the nature of the task. I talked of wanting to be a channel for the Bodhicitta and I am convinced that is what we need now because it is what Glasgow, Scotland and the world needs. 

We have a fantastic opportunity to create a Pure Land at Charing Cross and I want to do all I can to help us to do that.  I feel very excited and inspired by the possibilities and look forward to finding ways to involve all of us as much as possible without losing focus, direction and our spiritual vitality. In fact I hope - and believe - our spiritual vitality will be augmented by the project and by us all pulling together. 

May our new centre be a focus for the well being of all.

May it be somewhere with the Bodhisattva vow at its heart.

Much love




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