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Woodside Happenings


Dear all,

A number of exciting things have happened over at Woodside Crescent in the last week. On Friday evening (14th March) Candrika, Viryadevi and I visited the property to do a wee ritual before we held our first official event there, the cleaning day on the 15th. Beforehand I had been doing a bit of research into the history of the property and the area. As well as discovering that the building is built on land that was originally a rural estate and parkland, it became obvious that the money to build this prestigious row of buildings came, as so much of Glasgow does, from profits from the slave trade. We took this into account as we made offerings and evoked compassion and transformative energies.

I plan to give a wee talk about the history of the building on Sunday 23rd in our mandala meeting. More about that later but first a big shout out to the team and everyone who turned up for the cleaning day on Saturday 15th. Around 30 people turned up to the day which was organised by Gunasiddhi and the cleaning team. As well as loads of work being done there was a great atmosphere of sangha building.  We started the day with a dedication ceremony and I was very moved to be sitting there in our new premises dedicating it to our collective practice for the benefit of all beings.

cleaning day group
cleaning day group

Next Sunday (the 23rd) the council (trustees) invite everyone to come along to a mandala meeting in the new place (2 Woodside Crescent, G3 7UL) from 2.30 to 5. This is an opportunity to look around the property, hear about the vision for the new centre and the work that needs done and participate in a ritual of dedication.  We welcome people bringing along small ritual objects, including handwritten texts or favourite dharma texts. These will be kept and will be put in appropriate places around the new centre.  There will be other opportunities to do this so don’t worry if you don’t manage this time.

We hope to see you there and look forward to this start of a new era in the life of Triratna in Glasgow.




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