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Centre update


Dear friends,

Firstly, a very happy New Year. I hope that 2025 is a great year for everyone, spiritually as well as in all other ways. I hope it is a great year for us as a Sangha collectively as well as individually. I feel very optimistic that it will be. There may be ups and downs of course - there always are - but I am sure that we can support each other through the downs and rejoice with each other on the ups.

Well, the question on many people’s minds is “what is happening with the purchase of the new centre?” Great news there! Our offer has been accepted and, all being well, we should have possession by the end of this month. We are paying less than we originally thought but, of course, there is more to be done than we originally thought as is so often the way with these things. Much gratitude and appreciation to the team who negotiated the purchase: Carunalaka; Maitrinaga and Vajracetana. Especially, thanks to Carunalaka who worked tirelessly to get us a good price. And of course, Candrika and Karunaradha who were part of the search team.

We are looking forward to showing people around but there is work to be done before that can happen. The electrics will be completely redone so that is a priority before inviting folk to see it. There are also other things to be done so it is unlikely that we will be able to start using it till late spring. Watch this space…

Meanwhile things carry on very positively in Berkeley Street. Most classes continued right over the festive season, which was appreciated by those who could come along. We had a lovely end of year Mandala night and a day retreat, both celebrating the solstice and welcoming the return of the light to this hemisphere. The theme for Mandala night 2025 is the Bodhisattva Ideal and we will explore that in lots of different ways.

Other classes continue to build up and last night saw the start of a new Level 1 course with 50 people signed up for it. Details of weekly classes and any special events are all detailed on the website. 

One thing I’d like to mention is the Arts and Crafts fair held just before Christmas. Big shout out to the team who organised and held that.  It raised close to £3000 which was brilliant. Thanks to everyone who participated whether contributing items to be sold or, indeed, buying said items. 

Before I finish, I’d like to send out a special warm welcome and invite you to our next fun(d)raiser event which is our Burns Supper on January 19th.  

Here’s the details and we’d love to see you there. It promises be a great night:

On the 19th January we will be holding a Burns supper celebration, celebrating our National Bard. It will include the Burns night set pieces as well as good food and entertainment.

No haggis will be killed in the making of the supper!

The supper will be from 5 - 9 pm. Do come and bring your friends and families. It will be a braw nicht for ilka body.

Tickets are £15 and please book here so we have an idea of numbers.

If the price of tickets is prohibitive, please speak to Gunasiddhi!

So, to conclude - thank you to everyone who has been part of our sangha last year in all the different ways you contribute: class teams; cleaning; volunteers who help in many different ways; the council; the centre team and, of course, everyone who attends events, offers friendship and contributes financially and in other ways. Sangha is everything. They say People Make Glasgow.  I’d say People Make The Glasgow Triratna Centre

Best wishes


On behalf of the GBC council: Carunalaka; Dhirajyoti; Gunasiddhi; Maitrinaga; Moksadhi; Vajracetana and Viryadevi.



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