taking care
Protection of vulnerable adults:
The policy is an expression of the first ethical precept taught by the Buddha: to avoid harming living beings. It refers to law and good practice mainly as defined in Scotland.
Who is an adult at risk of harm?
The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 defines adults as risk of harm as aged 16 years or over who:
Are unable to safeguard their own well-being, property, rights and other interests, AND
Are at risk of harm, AND
Because they are affected by disability, mental disorder, illness or physical or mental infirmity, are more vulnerable to being harmed than adults who are not so affected.
This is called the 3 point test; all 3 parts of the above definition need to be met to be defined as a vulnerable adult in terms of this policy and the act.
An adult is at risk of harm when
Another person’s conduct is causing or is likely to cause the adult to be harmed OR
The adult is engaging or is likely to engage in conduct which causes or is likely to cause self-harm.
Harm can be defined as physical, psychological, financial, sexual, discriminatory (withholding or denying human rights), neglect (including self neglect), or self-harm.
Glasgow Buddhist Centre’s Protecting Adults Policy
In the GBC, we initiate the actions outlined in our Protecting Adults Policy when the adult at risk is a person working, volunteering or attending the GBC and you think they are harming themselves, being harmed or exploited by another person.
Step 1:
Recognise it
If it is serious harm, sexual abuse or some other crime is suspected, refer to the police or social work right away.
If you are not sure if its harm ask yourself: ‘Does this look right? Does this sound right? Does this feel right? Is this person’s dignity being eroded in any way?
Step 2:
Refer and Report it
Refer and report any concerns to the GBC protection officer.
In case of serious harm and immediate danger call the police on 101 or social services on 0141 287 0555.
Step 3:
Record It
In detail as soon as you can. Include what has happened, when and where, who else was involved, who witnessed the event and as many of the person’s own words as you can. The GBC protection team keeps a full and confidential record of any incidents within the GBC.
If in doubt refer and report. Protection law takes precedence over Privacy and General Data Protection Regulation.