taking care
Protection of children
For the purposes of this policy the definition of a ‘child’ or ‘young person’ is anyone aged under 18 years of age.
Child protection means protecting a child from child abuse or neglect or from a likelihood of harm from abuse of neglect.
By abuse or neglect of a child we mean:
Physical abuse - includes hitting, shaking, burning, drowning and cutting - this type of abuse may be easier to identify.
Physical neglect - the signs can be a child who is under fed, poorly clothed and with poor hygiene.
Sexual abuse - this may be more difficult to identify unless you have directly observed the abuse taking place. Some signs would include the child behaving in an inappropriate sexual manner or using inappropriate sexual language.
Emotional abuse - the signs of this include a child who feels frightened or in danger, a child who is constantly criticised, ignored or humiliated.
It may be that you are worried about a child because of the behaviour of an adult who is caring for them or involved in their life. The adult may act in a violent way to other adults, within or out with the household; use drugs or alcohol chaotically; or struggle to manage mental health problems.
All Volunteers or staff are encouraged to share concerns with the GBC Protection Officer. Send an email to the protection team.
If we think a child is in immediate danger we will call the police directly on 101. Or contact the social services on 0141 287 0555.
REPORT: If you suspect or witness abuse or it is reported to you and you are not sure if it is harm or abuse? If it does not look or sound right, or your gut feeling is that it is harmful, the starting point is to report it
REFER: If serious harm, sexual abuse or a crime is suspected, immediately contact the police or social work. Do not investigate.
Hand write a factual RECORD of what you have seen and heard, immediately
Our first concern is the safety and wellbeing of the child. Do not be distracted from this by loyalty to the person who has been accused or your desire to maintain the good name of the Glasgow Buddhist Centre.